The impact site on the facebook social life of the people

Has become a social network site facebook occupies the interface on the internet during the 6 years only, so that was set up in 2004 by Harvard University students of America, and today contains more than 400 million active, is also from among the 7 most visited websites in the world. And possession of first place for sites publishing the images in the United States of America.

Facebook is a social network that allows communication, dissemination and exchange photos with friends, each person involved has the right to create your profile tags, it also allows him to visit the pages of friends. Users can exchange messages of the Interior, the possibility of conversation with friends, post pictures and video clips, the establishment of common incidents, create groups and invite friends to it on impact,

The power of Facebook lies in the way of the dissemination of information users, it provides a wide range of broad options in the exchange of information between participants.

So that the power of facebook did not stop at this point, but also extended to include many features that himself out for other social networking sites, where allowed Mbermgiyn professionals to create applications included in the privacy of the site, and published thanks to the graphe social, the different applications are subject to expansion and renovation of Maitalq advertising and selling on commission, so the number of applications exceeded the 8000 application.

Facebook force interaction with the individual's personality:
Site facebook is a tool of effective social can not be denied, it is allowed to maintain contact with friends constantly, and share photos and video clips with them, search for new friends from all places of the world, and the organization of the protest movements and demonstrations together, holding meetings and scheduling with others n sending invitations to the ceremony or the meeting, Tabibp people against the idea, or for the benefit of an idea, you are asked to talk about your taste (music, hobbies, literature, cinema ..........) and asks for your business, your direction of religious and political, the truth about the personal Alvaesel .

The impact of facebook on the social life of the Lofrad :
Mazkrnah that all the strength and intelligence tools facebook social character, has become more or less affect the social life of people everywhere and of Gedo, where we hear the word facebook traded on the tongues of all segments of society including to the children and the elderly and the elderly.

We find that anyone who wants to promote an idea or a project, whether this idea of ​​political or religious or cultural or even business is not indispensable to him on the use of the site facebook for Altabibp necessary, without forgetting its impact on social relations, leaving the possibility of any person in the world to establish a relationships with individuals from around the world and in a very short time, and also the possibility of inviting individuals to attend certain ceremonies or meetings or organizing cultural events or ideas
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