how to add an 'AddThis' button social bookmark sharing to blogger
AddThis is a widely used social bookmarking service founded by Dom Vonarburg and owned by Clearspring that can be integrated into a website with the use of a web widget. Once added, visitors to the website can bookmark an item using a variety of services, such as Facebook, MySpace, Google Bookmarks, and Twitter.
The AddThis button is a useful social bookmarking and sharing tool. With just a couple of mouse clicks, anyone can share a blog post or article via social networking accounts, email or blogs.
Get the code
1- Visit the AddThis website and open an account for free. Supply a username, password and e-mail address. Once you have registered Or sign in with your account in facebook ,twitter, yahoo, google, you can create an AddThis button.
2- select sing in with your username and password or with your account in facebook ,twitter, google.
3 - shoose Get AddThis
4- shoose your own style and Choose the appearance you would like for your bookmarking and sharing button. Choose a familiar button that your readers will recognize.
5- Preview your button. Test it to see how it works.
6- Get and copy this code
how to add this code to blogger?
1- Copy the code to your Blogger template. Right-click and select the AddThis code. Log in to your Blogger account.keep your template blog, Go to "Layout" and "Edit HTML."
2- Check the box to “Expand Widget Templates”.
3- Insert the AddThis code where you want it in the code. You will now have an AddThis button in every blog post.
add an 'AddThis' below post title
1- find the following line in your HTML code
2- past the AddThis code after this following
3- save and view your template blog.
add an 'AddThis' under your blog post
1- find the following line
2- past the AddThis code after this line
3-save and view your template blog.
you can also see the analysis for AddThis social, allow you track how, where, and by whom your content is being shared. These reports are designed to give you powerful statistics on sharing trends in real-time and over the last 24 hours, including:
Analytics Overview
you can also see the analysis for AddThis social, allow you track how, where, and by whom your content is being shared. These reports are designed to give you powerful statistics on sharing trends in real-time and over the last 24 hours, including:
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