Facebook a new tool for marketing through the Internet

In recent years the internet has seen a new phenomenon, is the social networking site like FaceBook and site MySpace, Viadéo, OpenBC, which sites to attract the attention of millions of people and became part of their daily lives.

Despite the fact that social networks or virtual community is not a new idea in marketing, but the success of these networks in the field of marketing via the internet and the wide open horizons and new concepts in this area.
That the privacy of social networks such as FaceBook is that it is a combination of several types of virtual communities, which serves as a social revolution, where the society becomes more complex and interactive. Which results in a mix culturally and intellectually on a large scale.
These developments have led many Albahthein firm-level productivity and service delivery institutions to analyze this phenomenon and its study of the commercial interests,

Some figures on the use of social networks in the United States of America:
According to the statistics site Pew Internet Project, more than 55% of teenagers Americans did participants sites social networks, and have the files on these networks, and 9 out of 10 attending them constantly, and by the same source, the Galibip teenagers are girls aged between 15 and 17 years old, from among them 70% of the survey said owning the files (profil) in full, compared with 57% of young people of the same age, with 31% who said according to an opinion poll that they have made their files (profil) available to all, and 45% of those who made it visible to friends only, and 21% of those who have making it completely hidden, with Glibip these users are at least two visits to these social networks and update the page at least once a day, with 22% of them are up to several times per day.

Social networks on the Internet: What are the psychological effects caused by?
Of social networks influence the utmost importance to the psychological aspect of individuals indicated by the psychiatrist Will Reader and his team at the University of Sheffield Hallam as far as saying, "Although the number of friends and people in these sites (social networks) can be enormous, and a number of close friends are almost the same As in the real world. " At the beginning of the nineties scientists that most people with knowledge of up to 150 people, but only 5 people from these friends who are bound together by an intimate relationship and mutual trust, and these numbers are still the same in spite of the tremendous development that has occurred on the means of communication.

And based on what the researcher to reach him Horrigan and his colleagues, electronic communication can contribute to building strong social networks, even if Hto separates these communities thousands of miles away. And that this kind of modern social networks are not like traditional social networks (village, neighborhood, community).

Studies some Albahthein confirm that the problems of life of the Journal of individuals lead to the popularity of the internet as a means to entertain, and to compensate the shortcomings of social, Kanfsal spouses, labor problems, and conflicts in social relations and strained relations emotion, all this leads individuals to escape to the Internet including to the social networks, because they contain the tools and methods to contact the enormous entertainment and self-defense, hoping to relax thus making it impossible to even temporarily reduce the tension and anxiety.

Destination for trade and economic Facebook:
That face the commercial social networking website FaceBook, began to show clear by firing the first advertising program a special site, which will allow all users the ability to display their ads on the pages of the site, according to the condition and the items specified, the adoption of the system of calculating the Forum, a system adopted by most of the advertising companies through the internet such as google , MSN and yahoo
and many other companies.

Because the site FaceBook social networking is more famous and expanding, making many companies and institutions in the world compete on advertising the site, making FaceBook be in the ranks of the largest sites of substantial income.

As for if we talked about marketing internet marketing ratio for FaceBook, amber, the center most appropriate for marketing via the Internet, even if we reflect consideration of slightly different pages, we find that most of this objective is the promotion of something, and tens of thousands of attributes that offer things for sale through sales locations commission as a amazon and ebay site and company clickbank, and because this type of marketing has been popular and a large turnout on such social networks.
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